Call us
We are available
Monday to Friday
9am to 6pm (AEST)
9am to 5pm (AEST)
Australia: 1300 720 823
New Zealand: 0800 446 659
Send us an email and we'll get back to you with the answers you need
Live chat
Connect with our support team over chat (located bottom right).
Monday to Friday
9am to 6pm (AEST)
9am to 5pm (AEST)
Need to make a complaint?
At Pioneer, we’re committed to providing the highest quality service, however, we understand there may be times when we fall short. If we do, please let our team know. We will carefully investigate your concern.
Our headquarters
Level 6
108 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Postal address
PO Box 5673
Perth WA 6831

Frequently asked questions

Your credit provider (bank, financial institution or utility provider) has assigned your account to Pioneer due to unresolved debt. We understand things happen in life that can make it hard to keep up with repayments. We’re here to help you get back on track by offering flexible solutions that are right for you. That way, you can put an end to debt stress.
You can make a payment towards your account via our customer portal or by contacting us. Payment types include direct debit payments using your BSB and account number, which you can set up via phone call, email or through our customer portal. You can also make credit card payments (Visa and Mastercard) through our customer portal.
We will always do our best to contact you directly. However, if we don’t hear from you, we may reach out to other people who can help us get in touch. This is permitted under the debt collection guidelines. Please be aware that we are not allowed to, nor will we divulge any of your personal or account information at any time. If you maintain contact with us (or maintain a payment plan), we won’t reach out to other people in order to pass on a message to you.